Friday, April 03, 2015

Bogged down

Went for an easy walk with Benny near Saratoga this afternoon. We walked the Bog Meadow trail - a former railbed that is now a nature trail. We started at the Route 29 trailhead and walked the entire distance - about 4 miles roundtrip. Spring like trail conditions with packed snow, ice, mud, water, etc. Benny found a dead porcupine along the way. Had a nice warm sunny afternoon for our stroll. Unfortunately, tick season has also begun.

Bog Meadow

1 comment:

Williesmom said...

Often wondered what that trail was like. Looks really nice. Never got Willie out there to hike always thought it was a wet swamp. Now he has a Mast Cell tumor on his leg and his walks are very limited. Have to remember this one for the future. Benny looks great.