Sunday, August 13, 2006


We have been having some amazing weather lately. So I just had to go do some hiking. I drove up to the ADK Loj this morning with Howie. Our destination this time was Mount Colden, but I thought I would mix it up by doing a loop - through Avalanche Pass, up the back side of Colden and then down the other side and out. We had a picture perfect day and there was a nice cool breeze ... almost felt like autumn was near. We spent around 7 1/2 hours on our Sunday stroll.

Summit Elevation: Mount Colden 4715 ft
Round-trip Distance: 13.3 mi
Elevation Change: 2800 ft

Avalanche Lake

Howie enjoying the breeze

Obligatory summit pic


Queen Monkey said...

7 1/2 hours isn't exactly a "stroll". :) Nice photos as usual.

Grog said...

I was taking my time. So, stroll as in leisurely pace.

Queen Monkey said...

I've made the first photo my wallpaper. If you can send me a higher res, I'd appreciate it.

Grog said...

The second one is my current wallpaper at work.