Sunday, March 18, 2007


After the St. Patty's Day dump (15 inches of new snow), I took Howie up near Thatcher Park. We did a short hike on the Long Path to Roemers High Point. The trail was pretty well packed down when we got there (3 pm), but I still used snowshoes. A snowboarder half-way up the hill had built a ramp out of snow and was doing some jumps. It was very sunny out, but windy- esp. near the lookout where snow was blowing around. Now, I am ready for some Spring.

Round-trip Distance: 3.0 mi
Elevation Change: 600 ft

Howie on the trail
Ok, I admit I look a little confused here


Anonymous said...

And, then you came home and vacuumed. - QM

Grog said...

Yes, the excitement never stops.