Friday, February 15, 2013

South mountain

Did some more exploring today in the Catskill mountains. Climbed South mountain near Ashokan reservoir. Parked at the end of South Hollow road. Skirted around the last house and then followed the old road. After about a mile, it petered out. I continued on up to the low point on the ridge connecting Ashokan High Point and South mountain. Turned south and headed toward a series of cliffs with some sweet views. Stopped for  lunch and then backtracked along the ridge and continued on to South mountain. Stopped at some lower ledges which had views. Headed up to the summit and checked out some of the upper ledges with more views. Headed back down the western ridge. Eventually made it back to the car.

Summit Elevation: South Mountain 2191
Round-trip Distance: 4.5 mi
Elevation Change: 1300 ft
South Mountain (Ashokan High Point)

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