Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rooney Hill

I climbed unnamed hills near Rooney Hill in the southern Adirondacks (near Wells) with Howie today. Parked at the end of Hernandez Road and followed an old woods road for about 1/4 mile. Left the road which loops back to the parking lot. Began the bushwack up the ridge. Followed along the ridge over a couple of small bumps to the last one which had a nice open view to the south and west. Continued south to the highest bump (elevation 1630). Skipped going to what's labeled as Rooney Hill on the topo map (it's only 1380 feet and is wooded). Instead, dropped back down to the drainage and followed that. Picked up a hunter's path about 1/2 mile from the car and then the loop road again. Nice cool, partly sunny afternoon.

Summit Elevation: Rooney Hill 1630
Round-trip Distance: 4.0 mi
Elevation Change: 950 ft
Rooney Hill

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