Sunday, June 04, 2006

London like weather

Howie and I did a hike in Taconic State Park. It was wet in the woods, but luckily the rain held off for the most part. There just a few short sprinkles at times. We set off on a trail which followed along a pretty brook. It criss-crossed the brook several times. Eventually we reached Sunset Rock and then we continued on to Prospect Hill. Along the ridge, there were many blueberry shrubs, but no fruit yet. There were views from each point toward the west (Catskills), but they were limited due to the low clouds. After we returned to the parking area, we took the short trail over to Bash Bish Falls which had a very strong flow.

Summit Elevation: Sunset Rock 1788 ft, Prospect Hill 1919 ft
Round-trip Distance: 5.5 mi
Elevation Change: 1280 ft

Howie and ferns

View and clouds

Mountain Laurel

Bash Bish Falls

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